Introducing: Science Saturdays!
Science, and one’s belief in the scientific process, are at the center of the climate change “debate.” And I put debate in quotes since there is very little dissent in the scientific community that current global climate change is very real and very much man-made.

But that doesn’t mean that the science behind climate change isn’t confusing. The global climate itself is not easy to study as there are so many complex, intersecting factors that define the climate system. And the climate is in a constant state of flux, making trends difficult to isolate. Even predicting tomorrow’s weather forecast is pretty damn hard, so imagine trying to predict the climate in 50 or 100 years? It’s not easy!
So we at SDev 24/7 want to make the endeavor of understanding climate science a little bit easier. Every Saturday, we will break down one small part of the science that makes up the vast and increasingly complex topic of climate change.