Presenting: Woman Crush Wednesdays!
Welcome to SDev 24/7’s Woman Crush Wednesday (#WCW, for short), your weekly dose of climate-conscious female empowerment!

Why have a #WCW at SDev 24/7, you ask? Well, not only are there tons of awesome ladies out there who are working tirelessly to save the planet and its denizens, but the intersection of sustainability and women’s rights is more relevant than ever. According to the UN and the WHO, women around the world are significantly more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. And yet, many of the representatives and speakers at climate policy forums like the COPs still tend to be men (31 male speakers to 9 female at COP20 in Lima just last year). Plus, women in climate science, like many other academic fields, face unprecedented challenges when rising in the ranks.
So a weekly feature on some of the most inspirational women in the realm of sustainable development is really the least we could do.