#WCW: Katherine Hayhoe
The dichotomy between those who believe in God and those who believe in climate change is rendered useless by people like Katherine...

#WCW: Crystal Lameman
This week’s #WCW is the indefatigable Crystal Lameman, an indigenous activist from the Beaver Lake Cree Nation (BCLN) in Alberta, Canada....

#WCW: Amina Mohammed
This week is the 70th United Nations Generally Assembly where the Sustainable Development Goals will be officially adopted by the 193...

#WCW: Nina Gualinga
This week’s #WCW is Nina Gualinga, Amazonian environmental activist and all-around queen of our little green hearts. She decked out in...

Presenting: Woman Crush Wednesdays!
Welcome to SDev 24/7’s Woman Crush Wednesday (#WCW, for short), your weekly dose of climate-conscious female empowerment! Why have a #WCW...