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#WCW: Amina Mohammed

This week is the 70th United Nations Generally Assembly where the Sustainable Development Goals will be officially adopted by the 193 member states. This is a big deal since they will replace the Millennium Development Goals, the 8 goals used to guide the world in development issues from 2000 to 2015.

Watch this video to learn more about the SDGs and Mohammed's advocay for them.

One woman who has played a huge role in getting these new benchmarks to even exist is Amina Mohammed. As special advisor of the Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon on Post-2015 Development Planning, she is one of the reasons why these new goals, all 17 of them, address issues like climate change, urban planning, and inclusiveness. Her work along with many others, make it evident that it is high time to have a female Secretary-General, the highest position in the UN. To Amina and the other ladies in the UN, keep doing your thing!

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