#WCW: Nina Gualinga
This week’s #WCW is Nina Gualinga, Amazonian environmental activist and all-around queen of our little green hearts. She decked out in...

Presenting: Woman Crush Wednesdays!
Welcome to SDev 24/7’s Woman Crush Wednesday (#WCW, for short), your weekly dose of climate-conscious female empowerment! Why have a #WCW...

Editors' Roundup: September 2015
Monica Climate change is the ultimate gentrifier, Grist, February 2015 This was written earlier this year, but it's more relevant now...

Kidayr Climate Change?
Climate change is kind of like capitalism: Everyone is equal, but some people are more equal than others. In other words, it’ll affect...

Like Podcasts? Interested in Sustainable Development? Listen to these!
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? After going through most of my education staring at text on either paper or a...

Local Governments, Not So Local Problems
In August 2015, President Obama publicly rolled out new and unprecedented carbon emission limits on existing power plants, which are the...

Shifting Tides
In the face of climate change, Bangladesh’s landscape is swimming, but not sinking.​​​​ ​​ ​​Situated on a low-lying, tectonically active...