Article Roundup: October 2015
Monica “The Rhino Hunter,” Radiolab, September 2015 I think most people with some decency can get behind conservation of endangered...

#WCW: Crystal Lameman
This week’s #WCW is the indefatigable Crystal Lameman, an indigenous activist from the Beaver Lake Cree Nation (BCLN) in Alberta, Canada....

Khushi Baby: FIELD NOTES #1
This post comes to SDev 24/7 from collaborators at Khushi Baby, a social enterprise dedicated to tracking immunizations to the last mile...

#WCW: Amina Mohammed
This week is the 70th United Nations Generally Assembly where the Sustainable Development Goals will be officially adopted by the 193...

Start-up Mentality in South Asia
Sitting in the basement of a building for two hours on Tuesday and Thursday mornings learning about the culture, geography, and...

Climate Week NYC, September 21-27
This year’s Climate Week in New York City, with many events running this week (September 21-27) is going to be huge. Maybe last year was...
Science Saturday: Climate Change and Hurricanes
This past August marked the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, with extreme weather events and climate change coming back to the...

Introducing: Science Saturdays!
Science, and one’s belief in the scientific process, are at the center of the climate change “debate.” And I put debate in quotes since...

High Time for Greener Weed
I recently moved to California, home of the original hippie and the source of 70% of domestically grown marijuana. Of course, being the...

The EU Does Not Want Your Garbage
In the Futurama episode “A Big Piece of Garbage,” a giant ball of garbage from outer space heads straight for Earth, portending dire (and...